Living Fabulously Fierce SPOTLIGHT: The Fabulously ‘Confident’….

Camaya Matthews


Full-Time Student

I am so excited that tomorrow I will be speaking to 325 girls at my high school, Fontbonne Academy, as the closing speaker for their Love Your Body Week!  That being said, I had to post some words of wisdom from a fellow high school student,  Junior, Camaya Matthews!!!!  If this is the perspective of our young, up and coming fabulously fierce girls, we’re really in good shape!!! Enjoy!

Interesting Fact/Interests/Hobby/Something you think the LFF World to Know.  I was in a pageant this past summer where I won two one hundred dollar scholarships in both fitness, and elegance

What does Living Fabulously Fierce Mean to You? Living fabulously fierce to me means living your life to the absolute fullest and enjoying every second of it while being a little sassy.
If you had to describe your brand in three words, what would those three words be? Why?   Unique, persistent, successful.  I used these three words because I like for all of my work to stand out and be different from others, I also think that persistence helps with that.  You have to continue trying and putting your best effort forward so that you can be successful.

How do you live your brand?  I live it by continuing to be myself and not be afraid to do something different. Also by continuing to push myself to my full potential and even when I mess up I continue trying until I get it right.

What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment was going to China, to travel different countries and learn more about their culture.
Biggest Challenge that you’ve overcome?  The biggest challenge I have overcome was accepting myself as I am and not trying to change myself to fit other people’s standards.
My brand is Fabulously Fierce? Please finish the phrase with your own definition: I am Camaya Matthews and I am Fabulously On Purpose!!!

What advice do you have for young girls, our up and coming fabulously fierce, like you, around being their best selves or anything you’d like to share with them in particular? Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing focus on you and where you want to go so that you can live your life ‘doing’ and not watching.  Sometimes you’re going to stand out, remember that is never a bad thing. There is only one you in the world, embrace it and enjoy it.

Living Fabulously Fierce SPOTLIGHT:The Fabulously ‘On Purpose’…



 Leadership Mentor for Milennials

So we’re still preparing for our March Spotlight Campaign, accepting submissions and nominations but we just couldn’t wait to start sharing some of the wisdom and insight already coming in to Living Fabulously Fierce from you incredible women-10 women already confirmed for next month!  So we’re giving you just a bit of what all of March will have in store.  Enjoy our Spotlight on Karen Hinds this week!!!!!

What does Living Fabulously Fierce Mean to You? Living fabulously fierce means living with purpose…with purpose and having fun.

If you had to describe your brand in three words, what would those three words be? Why?   

  1. Risk taker-If I have an idea, I just go after it!
  2. Excellence-I make sure to do everything with excellence for myself, for my clients and family.
  3. Fun-well, you have to enjoy life!!!

How are you intentional about your personal brand? I set regular dates with “thinking time”.  This is time during which I simply sit down on a regular basis and evaluate myself on how I’m doing, what I’m doing, and being accountable to myself around asking  “am I living according to my personal and professional goals . Honestly, I am constantly evaluating  myself overall, and  specifically, my brand.

How do you live it?  I’ve started my business, started conferences internationally, written a book all in the face of inexperience.  In terms of fun, I am veeeeery fun.  At home, we’re constantly laughing and pranking each other.  In terms of excellence, I take my work very seriously.  I truly believe, how you do anything is how you do everything. This doesn’t mean I get it right all the time, but believe me, I try.

If there is anything you could do to either reinforce or enhance your brand, what would that be?   Focus on visibility.  I think everyone who experiences my brand really enjoys it, but I’ve got to extend the exposure of it.

What would you say has been your greatest accomplishment?  I can only pick one?  Ok…I would absolutely say my family.  See, once you have that, you can duplicate the beauty and benefit of it into anything else.  I’ve been married 20 years and my son is 16.  I am really proud of all of that.

Biggest Challenge that you’ve overcome?  So, I’m a risk taker and I’ll do whatever I believe needs to be done. That being said, the truth of the matter is there is always this little nagging voice that gets me, just like everyone else, that tries to get me to second guess myself and all that I’m doing.  So, this actually isn’t the biggest challenge that I’ve overcome but it is the biggest challenge that I’m constantly overcoming.  I intentionally try to limit the power of that voice and make sure I don’t set limitations for myself.  It’s an ‘in progress’ overcoming.

Interesting Fact/Interests/Hobby/Something you think the LFF World to Know.  I love food, so the most interesting food I’ve eaten were grasshoppers….It was a crunchy dish.

Tell me about Brand Karen Hinds as Living Fabulously ‘On Purpose’.  When you hit 44 you realize you just move and live for you and what you want.  I just live on purpose and don’t waste any time.

How do you recommend other women stay true to themselves and live their authentic personal brand?   Women first have to get to know themselves because we throw around the word brand and people really don’t know who they are.  It’s like setting someone in the kitchen, telling them to make something, and they don’t even know what ingredients they have in the kitchen to use.  So know yourself, define you, and then live authentically because you already know who and what you are.  Then you’re no longer trying to be something or someone that you think someone else wants you to be, but instead you’re choosing to live on purpose.

What advice do you have for young girls, our up and coming fabulously fierce, around being their best selves or anything you’d like to share with them in particular?  Open your mind, guard yourselves, your emotional selves, ask questions and always ask for help… always.